
Creating a StyleSheet

To create a stylesheet, create a qstylizer.style.StyleSheet instance.

>>> import qstylizer.style
>>> css = qstylizer.style.StyleSheet()

To add global properties, simply start setting values for any attribute.

>>> css.color.setValue("green")
>>> css.border.setValue("1px solid red")
>>> print(css.toString())
color: green;
border: 1px solid red;

Here is how to create a style rule for QTabBar::close-button and set the background property to transparent:

>>> css.QTabBar.closeButton.background.setValue("transparent")
>>> print(css.toString())
* {
    color: green;
    border: 1px solid red;
QTabBar::close-button {
    background: transparent;

There are actually multiple ways to set a property value. All of the following statements below are equivalent and valid. Take your pick.

>>> css.QTabBar.closeButton.background.setValue("transparent")
>>> css["QTabBar"].closeButton.background.setValue("transparent")
>>> css["QTabBar"]["close-button"].background.setValue("transparent")
>>> css["QTabBar"]["close-button"]["background"].setValue("transparent")
>>> css["QTabBar"]["::close-button"]["background"].setValue("transparent")
>>> css["QTabBar::close-button"].background.setValue("transparent")
>>> css["QTabBar::close-button"]["background"].setValue("transparent")

Global scope vs “* {}”

Adding a sub-style rule will result in a different syntax for the global property values:

>>> css.color.setValue("green")
>>> css.border.setValue("1px solid red")
>>> print(css.toString())
color: green;
border: 1px solid red;

>>> css.QWidget.backgroundColor.setValue("blue")
>>> print(css.toString())
* {
    color: green;
    border: 1px solid red;
QWidget {
    background-color: blue;

Unknown Property Names

Any name can be used as an attribute with the use of strings and brackets.

>>> css = qstylizer.style.StyleSheet()
>>> css["QUnknownClass::unknown-subcontrol"]["unknown-prop"].setValue("none")
>>> print(css.toString())
QUnknownClass::unknown-subcontrol {
    unknown-prop: none;

Not Operator (!)

Here is an example of how to use the ! operator:


Object Property

Here is an example of how to set an object property style rule:



An existing stylesheet can be converted to a StyleSheet instance as a starting point. This is handy if you need to change property values in an existing template stylesheet.

>>> import qstylizer.parser
>>> stylesheet = """
... QTabBar {
...     border-radius: 3px;
...     background-color: green;
... }
... QTabBar:focus {
...     border: 0px transparent black;
...     background-color: red;
... }
... QTabBar::close-button {
...     background: transparent;
... }
... """
>>> css = qstylizer.parser.parse(stylesheet)
>>> print(css.QTabBar.focus.toString())
QTabBar:focus {
    border: 0px transparent black;
    background-color: red;

String Output

The qstylizer.style.StyleRule.toString() function call with no parameters will just output the property:values of that style rule in css format. The qstylizer.style.StyleRule.toString(recursive=True) function call will output the style rule and all of the sub-style rules in its hierarchy.

>>> print(css.QTabBar.toString())
QTabBar {
    border-radius: 3px;
    background-color: green;
>>> print(css.QTabBar.toString(recursive=True))
QTabBar {
    border-radius: 3px;
    background-color: green;
QTabBar:focus {
    border: 0px transparent black;
    background-color: red;
QTabBar::close-button {
    background: transparent;